Words of Wisdom "Nobody Celebrates the Process."

Photography by Alex Moonrise

Photography by Alex Moonrise

It’s a season that can feel like God has a personal vendetta against us because we don’t see anybody else going through the same struggle.

The process is never celebrated but always necessary. For any of us to reach the highest potential, we have to go through the mysterious still moments of our lives. In this season is where things become dark, uncomfortable, and challenges are most robust. Mainly because we don't see them coming and they challenge our conventional way of living and thinking. It's a season that can feel like God has a personal vendetta against us because we don't see anybody else going through the same struggle. At least that's the perception of social media. However, the truth is that we must all go through the process as we become refined and walk in our purpose. The hours of practice, the late-night coding, and weekends spent learning is rarely if ever celebrated because we live in a culture that only value results. However, don't let the lack of acknowledgment and recognition of the process discourage you from growing. Use these seasons of stillness for reflection and personal planning and development. That's my words of wisdom now enjoy your coffee and get the day started.