Thrift Picks: Richer Poorer Baseball Henley Tees.

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It's that time of the year where eyes become puffy, noses become stuffy, and love becomes mushy. That was my shot at a haiku poem. It's springtime, the best time for fashion in my personal opinion next to fall because it's still chill enough to layer and warm enough to dress down. While it's hard to convince anyone at this point to part ways with their snug pajamas in exchange for actual clothes, I figured why not shoot my shot. It's time to start assembling your draft picks to build your spring wardrobe for the season. Richer Poorer, who is known for their premium essentials, released their Baseball Henley Tee in two color-ways to help give your wardrobe the spring drip it needs. Even though our social life outside our house is still on pause, I hope this post can help give you some spring style inspiration. Special thanks to my wife, who snapped these pictures in our cozy apartments. So, grab a cup of coffee, make yourself comfortable, and look-out for dog crap. We got two puppies who like to get creative with their hiding spots. 


Casual Style

The Henley shirt has deep roots in sportswear dating back to 1839, which was once the standard uniform for boat rowing. Since then, the collarless shirt has made its way beyond the water and into everyday wear. Because the Henley shirt is casual, there are no real rules on how you should wear, which leaves the creativity open to you. My favorite look is to pair it with a comfortable pair of chinos or joggers for a cozy fit, finished off with a pair of sneakers. Of course, adding a few accessories doesn't hurt either.


Business Casual & Formal Style


If there were a shirt hierarchy, then the Baseball Henley Tee would fall right above the t-shirt and right under the polo shirt. When you think about pairing this with a suit or blazer, the same rules will apply as if you are wearing a t-shirt. I would suggest in a formal gathering to always tuck in your shirt, but if it’s a dinner party with close friends, then leaving it un-tuck is totally acceptable.


Timeless staple

Trendy pieces come and go, but the Baseball Henley Tee is going to be here for the long haul. It's a shirt that's lightweight, easy to layer, and looks good with anything. Head over to Richer Poorer to get your Baseball Henley Tee's today and tell them Tony Thrifts sent you!

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